Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Wed Post #3: BC NDP pull a Maple Leaf like collapse as BC Liberals declared winners with majority

Presumably the appropriate twitter hashtag is: #aintovertillfatladysings.


Email: village_whisperer@live.ca
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  1. Nah, it's just our polling firms suck lemons and can't measure voter enthusiasm.

  2. Sampling error. Only people who want change are going to bother answering someone who calls to conduct a poll. Everyone else just tells the pollsters to get stuffed.

    Either that, or the pollsters got the calling lists from the teacher's union.

  3. Hey BC, you just got duped again. Voter apathy, christy & the old boys club did it again. Made you drink the coolaid and now 4 more years of scandals and bribes and tax payer money going to the old boys club. Bunch of pot smoking dweebs in BC!

  4. At least as house prices crash in Greater Vancouver, we can blame the BC Fiberals. They'll probably spin it to say Adrian Dix caused the collapse. Hopefully by then the public won't fall for their lies.

  5. I guess it never dawned on the polling companies or media that the population group most likely to be "engaged in social media" are young people - you know, the people who tend to vote left-wing and who don't show up at the actual polling booth?

    The polls were accurate...for that particular population segment. However, that particular segment did not represent the population as a whole.

    1. Having actually done both volunteer/paid polling for elections, I beg to differ.

      The concentration is collecting data points where the voter is willing to vote, but not that willing to disclose. A challenge in contradiction, yes, but the point is AGE nor specific groups are targeted. With the exception of eligible and willing to vote of course.

      You can take your strawman down.

  6. Anybody who thinks the NDP are capable of running an honest, effective government free of theft and corruption doesn't have a very good memory.

    Google Bingogate, of fast ferries fiasco, or RCMP raid on Premier's office, or Lumberman's Arch casino probe,

    1. Who is talking about anyone running an honest, effective government free of theft and corruption? It's not going to happen here in BC anytime soon, as long as we have binge-and-purge politics and an apparently half-witted average voter.

      Personally, I'm sick of a dishonest, ineffective Liberal government rife with theft and corruption, and I'd like to try someone else's brand of the same for a while.

  7. The most probable cause of the NDP's demise appears to lie at the feet of Colin Gableman. Remember him? He should be the patron saint of the Green Party. Clayquot, criminal trials, bankrupted the legal aid system. What a genius. Now the spread between Liberals - NDP is more than covered by the Green vote.

  8. Dippers got caught in the undertow of thousands upon thousands of very scared underwater mortgage holders, that hold out hope that only Christy can save them... FEAR drove the Liberals to power. Facing up (Uranus in Aries) to financial catastrophe (Pluto in Capricorn).. May 14.... and it will come to a 'head' when Jupiter moves into Cancer.... the sign of Homes and Houses.... kapow... kapow..... like a Sylvester Stallone combination.. Prep for this round begins May 21st.. exact square Pluto/Uranus... sincerely, the Accordionist....

  9. Interesting analysis about CMHC, banks and the housing bubble titled "When the housing bubble pops":

  10. So to extropolate everyone's opinions and poll opinions....can't believe housing predictions either...up or down - hhmmmmm

